Tree Planting in Remembrance

Planting a tree provides a living, growing memorial to a loved one and is a poignant way of remembering them. Friends of Broomhill will plant your chosen tree(s) in the Old Orchard Woodland area at Broomhill. We will plant trees in the planting season, November to February, in order to let the new saplings flourish.  Donations for tree planting can be made throughout the year and your chosen tree(s) will be planted at the earliest opportunity during the tree planting season.

Trees are chosen for their suitability to our woodland habitat, providing benefits to wildlife and the biodiversity of our land. We source our trees through the Woodland Trust who guarantee all trees are UK and Ireland Sourced and Grown (UKISG).

Donations for tree planting start from £20. Click on the 'Tree Selection' button for a list of trees to choose from. Please get in touch to discuss your requirements (you can use the 'Contact Us' tab in the top menu.)

In Remembrance

Rowan Trees were planted  in January 2022. 

Crab Apple & Wild Cherry Trees were planted in February 2022.

Crab Apple and Wild Cherry Trees planted in February 2023 in loving memory of Maureen Jacklin.