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An easy way to support us at no cost to you!

Support Friends of Broomhill by raising money every time you shop online - without costing you a penny! We’re using easyfundraising, a free fundraising platform that allows us to earn money when we all shop online. easyfundraising works with over 7,000 online retailers, everyone from Tesco, eBay, Sports Direct, M&S, Boots, Just Eat,, and everything in between. Once signed up all you need to do is start your shopping journey at the easyfundraising website, use the browser extension or app (information will be provided when you register) and the retailer you shop with will send us a free donation based on how much you spend. Please support us if you can by registering yourself today at it only takes 2 minutes and all you need is your email address. Please also share with your friends and family if they would also like to help!

Keeping the park safe, clean & tidy

Please use the dustbins provided in the park, if these are full please take your litter home.
If you spot an issue with litter in our park please report it using the link below.
Spot a different issue in the park?
Report anti-social behaviour or vandalism immediately to Kent Police on 101 or click here and Medway Council on 01634-333333 (Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm) or click here